Customer Q&A


A taxi operator has been using SMS services based on Ether, a hypermedia gateway that has reached its end of life. The lack of software updates and hardware upgrades from 3G/4G to 5G has become a significant issue. Additionally, their current taxi dispatch company provides a mobile app that allows SMS communication with passengers to alert them when a driver is dispatched, when a driver is outside, or to send payment links via SMS. The operator seeks a solution from Razon360 to transition to a more advanced, reliable, and future-proof SMS service.

Solution: Razon360 offers a high-end GSM gateway powered by Orion software, providing industry-leading telecom SMS services tailored for sector service communications.


Razon360: The main challenges you face with the existing Ether-based SMS service include:
⦁ End-of-life status means no further software updates or security patches are needed.
⦁ Lack of hardware upgrades, particularly the inability to transition from 3G/4G to 5G.
⦁ Potential reliability and performance issues as the technology becomes obsolete.
⦁ Maintaining and supporting the system was increasingly difficult due to its outdated nature.

Razon360: Our GSM gateway, powered by Orion software, offers several improvements:
⦁ Future-proof technology: Supports the latest 5G networks, ensuring high-speed, reliable SMS communication.
⦁ Enhanced reliability: Industry-leading performance and uptime, reducing the risk of missed or delayed messages.
⦁ Scalability: Easily scales with your business needs, handling increased SMS volume without compromising quality.
⦁ Advanced features: Includes automation, remote management, and analytics to optimise your SMS communication strategies.
⦁ Integration: Seamlessly integrates with your existing dispatch system, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.

Razon360: The Orion software enhances your dispatch and payment SMS services by:
⦁ Real-time notifications: Ensures timely alerts to passengers about driver dispatch, arrival, and payment links.
⦁ Customisation: Allows personalised messages to improve passenger experience.
⦁ Automation: Streamlines sending messages based on predefined triggers, reducing manual effort.
⦁ Analytics: Provides insights into message delivery rates, response times, and effectiveness, enabling data-driven improvements.
⦁ Security: Ensures secure transmission of payment links, protecting sensitive information.

Razon360: The transition will be managed through a structured, phased approach:
⦁ Assessment: We start with a thorough evaluation of your current system and requirements.
⦁ Planning: Develop a detailed migration plan, including timelines, milestones, and risk management strategies.
⦁ Implementation: Deploy the GSM gateway and Orion software, integrating with your existing systems.
⦁ Testing: Conduct comprehensive testing to ensure seamless functionality and performance.
⦁ Training: Provide training for your staff to efficiently use the new system.
⦁ Support: Offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure smooth operations post-migration.

Razon360: We offer comprehensive ongoing support and updates, including:
⦁ 24/7 Support: Round-the-clock technical support to address any issues or concerns promptly.
⦁ Regular Updates: Continuous software updates to ensure your system remains up to date with the latest features and security enhancements.
⦁ Maintenance: Proactive maintenance services to prevent issues and optimise performance.
⦁ Consultation: Regular consultations will help you leverage new features and improve your SMS communication strategies.
⦁ Training: Ongoing training sessions to keep your staff proficient with any new updates or features.

Contact Us

If you have further questions or would like to explore how Razon360 can transform your SMS services for better efficiency and reliability, please contact us. Our team is ready to assist you with tailored solutions that meet your specific needs.

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